Billing, collections,
and revenue integrity

How many billing errors and payment delays can you afford?

Duplicate patient records and overlays can cause patients to receive an inaccurate bill, someone else's bill, or no bill at all – which amounts to collections chaos.

Protect cashflow and patient experience.

Failed eligibility verification, prior authorization snafus, and denied claims from payers are inevitable without the correct patient identity.

Provide accurate patient data to avoid costly delays.

Avoidable readmissions, along with related penalties, increase when patient data is missing or misplaced across duplicate and overlayed records.

Manage high-risk patients with a longitudinal record.

RCM is the lifeblood of your hospital.

72% of hospitals agree that inaccurate patient information is causing delays in billing and reimbursement.

Payers and patients alike require accuracy to support prompt payment. Protect your hospital’s margins by avoiding costly denials, penalties, and payment delays with a clean MPI.